
What do we do when we're jetlagged?

We sleep till 2:30, that's what we do.

I can check at least one thing off the endless and ever-growing To Do While In Jordan List: eat at Reem!

Abe and I went to Faris in Sweifieh for chicken shwarma and then to Reem on the Second Circle for lamb shwarma. Both were delicious and hot and moist and mmmm just so good. Perfect jetlag breakfast-lunch-dinner food - I can see why Reem is the King's favorite. It's the kind of place that only makes shwarma and there is no writing anywhere. It's just a little red hut shack kind of thing tucked into the surrounding buildings with your typical Arab "line" aka clusterf*** gathered out front but boy, is it worth it. At .5 JD per sandwich you can eat your fill essentially for nothing. Faris, while a bit more expensive, is arguably the best chicken shwarma in the city.

Yeah, not so healthy, but hey, when in Rome...

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