
Ho Hum Doldrums

I am completely done. Last test was yesterday...it came, it went, I conquered. Today about the only notable thing I did was go pick up my second passport (finally) and read a few chapters in a book. FOR FUN. Which is SO not Jordanian. At all. I took a nap. I watched TV. I ate. I blogged. Sounds like a heck of a day, right? We will ignore the fact that I felt guilty all day because I got myself in trouble for breaking curfew last night...whatever, it was worth it - out till 2 dancing the night away (yes ma, sober). Self-imposed punishment is always a fun thing. Tomorrow I suspect will be busy busy busy! Meeting, shopping, picture swapping, farewell dinnering, saying good-bye, drinking ourselves silly...or not quite. It's crazy that the semester's almost over. I am neither mentally nor packing-ly prepared to leave in 4 days. We are all busy trying to squeeze in that one last thing before we go and preoccupied with making half-baked plans for meeting over New Year's back in the States. People are slowing dropping off but no one is really ready to realize what it actually means. People are just getting depressed, or drunk, or turning into hermits (yes, that one is me), and then we'll all kind of just leave, and that'll be it. It's weird. We've all gotten so close and we know each other so well, but we don't even know each other's real (U.S.) phone numbers. It's like a parallel universe...

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